
About Us

At Dire Truth our mission is to be a top survival blog. We will provide knowledge, tactics, and the skills needed in the survival and preparedness fields. We want you to be prepared, not scared. We will not pull punches and our style will be pretty raw. We know the misconceptions that anyone who prepares themselves is crazy or paranoid. In truth, anyone who doesn’t is crazy. We do offer free tin foil hats.

Our goal is to be a one stop site for anyone that has an interest in survival and preparedness training. We want to maintain above all, a TRUTHFUL and unbiased collection of knowledge from multiple sources. This will include original content, product reviews, survival articles, as well as syndicated articles from other survival and news websites.

Dire Truth is made up of basically a bunch of friends, with like-minded ideals. People who are putting in their time writing for free! It was started completely with volunteer writers. All in the name of the truth, as corny as that may sound. We are real people, with family and friends just like you. We just want our family and friends to be prepared for anything that comes. We also don’t want to pull any punches. Oh and our editorials…… well they can get pretty heated. They are also not intended for the G rated reader. Again, we don’t pull punches.

We hope you enjoy our site as much as we enjoy doing it.